1. How should a treatment team respond to the aggressive requests of a patient’s substitute decision-making?

    Healthcare providers often deal with substitute decision-makers (SDM) who make unreasonable or uninformed requests. Sometimes these are for tests or scans that aren’t indicated….

  2. Should a genetic counselor disclose a significant finding to his patient?

    An elderly patient lost his sight due to a hereditary condition. When the condition was diagnosed, a genetic counselor became involved. Among other things,…

  3. What is the appropriate plan of care for this seriously ill patient?

    An elderly patient was unconscious in an ICU. According to the treatment team, her prognosis was poor. Most jurisdictions have a legal hierarchy for…

  4. How can a therapist in a small community avoid conflicts of interest?

    Therapists in small communities often have requests by community members for treatment, but the therapist is already treating one of the prospective patient’s family…

  5. Is tubal ligation ethically appropriate for a patient with a public guardian?

    A mid-twenties patient has fetal alcohol syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and intellectual disability. She has tried various forms of birth control and has found them…

  6. What is the appropriate plan of care for this seriously ill patient?

    An elderly patient was unconscious in an ICU. According to the treatment team, her prognosis was poor. Most jurisdictions have a legal hierarchy for…